

An Orange Company is a company that is able to: measure its results, define an objectives plan and communicate effectively within the organization in order to carry on a responsible decision-making process.

Performance measurement

Projects of: mapping, planning and KPIs (Key Performance Indicator) representation.

Corporate performance management

Budgeting, planning, forecasting and what-if analysis.

Knowledge practices on decision making

Activities of management-support in the data-based decision-making processes.

Visual design & information sharing

Reporting, dashboarding and scorecarding as factors of efficient sharing of a company’s performances.

k-services Created with Sketch. Decision Making Measuring Communicating Setting Goals Visual Design & Information Sharing Produzione di reporting, dashboarding e scorecarding come fattori di condivisione efficace delle performance aziendali. Knowledge practices on Decision making Attvità di supporto al management nei processi di decision making basati sui dati. Corporate Performance Management Costruzione di modelli di budgeting, planning, forecasting e what if analysis. Performance Measurement Progetti di mappatura, progettazione e rappresentazione degli indicatori chiave di performance (Kpis).